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What are the cleaning methods for dirty silicone products?

Addtime:2024-11-12 09:11:51Hits:

What are the cleaning methods for dirty silicone products?

Keywords: Silicone products

With the development of the industry, various silicon products are increasingly entering and penetrating into people's daily lives. Silicone products have many excellent characteristics, but they inevitably come into contact with dust particles during use, making them unsightly and surface contaminated, requiring cleaning and care.

So, what are some simple and easy methods to clean dirty silicon products?

For the silicone product industry, a more professional cleaning method is to use white electric oil. White electric oil is a colorless liquid with high lipid solubility and volatility, and has strong cleaning ability. As long as a small amount of white electric oil is sprinkled or applied on the surface or local area of dirty silicone products, it can easily restore a bright and shiny appearance.

2. Rinse with clean water. Household silicone products are prone to getting oily and greasy. In this case, you can first apply a little soap and then rinse with water to clean them as before. It should be noted that the frequency of cleaning with water should not be too frequent, otherwise they will gradually turn yellow.

3. Toothpaste is a great silicone product cleaner. Applying it to the product and repeatedly wiping it with a soft cloth can also achieve a good cleaning effect.

4. Alcohol is also a powerful tool for cleaning silicone products. Simply dip a soft cloth in alcohol and gently wipe it off.

Erasers are also excellent cleaning products. The dirt on the surface of silicone products can be repeatedly wiped and then rinsed with clean water.

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