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Selection of Plastic Materials

Addtime:2024-11-18 10:11:16Hits:

So far, there have been over ten thousand reported types of resins, and more than a thousand have achieved industrial production. The selection of plastic materials is to choose a suitable variety among numerous resin varieties. At first glance, there are too many plastic varieties available for us to choose from, giving us a dazzling feeling. But in reality, not all resin varieties have been specifically applied. The selection of plastic materials we refer to is not a random choice, but rather a choice among commonly used resin varieties.

Principles for selecting plastic materials:

One Adaptability of plastic materials; 1. Performance comparison of various materials; 2. Conditions where plastic is not suitable for use; 3. Suitable conditions for selecting plastics.

II The performance of plastic products: 1. The usage conditions of plastic products: a. The stress situation of plastic products; b. Electrical properties of plastic products; c. Dimensional accuracy requirements for plastic products; d. Penetration requirements for plastic products; e. Transparency requirements for plastic products; f. Appearance requirements for plastic products. 2. The usage environment of plastic products: a. Environmental temperature; b. Environmental humidity; c. Contact medium; d. Light, oxygen, and radiation in the environment

III Processing performance of plastics: 1. Processability of plastics; 2. The processing cost of plastics; 3. Waste from plastic processing

4 The cost of plastic products: 1. The price of plastic raw materials; 2. The service life of plastic products; 3. Maintenance costs for plastic products Five The source of plastic raw materials. In the actual selection process, some resins have very similar properties, making it difficult to distinguish between them.

Which one is more suitable to choose? It requires multiple considerations and repeated weighing before it can be determined. Therefore, the selection of plastic materials is a very complex task, and the rules that can be followed are not very clear. One thing to remind everyone to pay special attention to is that the performance data of plastic materials quoted from various books and publications are measured under specific conditions, which may differ significantly from the actual working conditions. If it does not match, the quoted data should be converted into performance under actual usage conditions or re measured according to actual conditions.

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